Feedback system
To notify cases of non-compliance with accessibility requirements or to request information and content that has been excluded from the scope of the accessibility directive, contact:
The website has been designed to respect the directives laid out in the Stanca Law (Law No. 4 of January 9, 2004) and adheres to Article 4 of Directive 8/09 of the Minister for Public Administration and Innovation, aimed at ensuring the access of people with disabilities to IT tools. All institutional sites of public bodies must comply with these obligations including the relevant European regulations and the international provisions of W3C. As such, the design incorporates the most up-to-date accessibility and usability technologies.
From a technical point of view, all pages of the website are developed to be compliant with the specifications dictated by W3C. W3C validators are tools to verify the correctness of pages and their compliance with the above specifications.
Layout and graphics
In accordance with the latest web technologies, the structure of the page does not use tables; the entire structure for the most part relies on the use of DIVs as the fundamental element for the architecture of the page by placing CSS3 style sheets side by side for defining dimensions, colours, images, backgrounds, styles, titles, and links. This results in a neat, clean and ‘responsive’ layout adaptable to all formats and supported by all major browsers that comply with W3C guidelines.
Responsive layout
The graphic template of the page adapts to the resolution of the user’s device (pc, tablet, smartphone). The text size can be changed by the user without losing information.
When colour is used for the text and background, it’s always high-contrast, making the text to be easier to read.
The website always adheres to W3C standards, however, different existing browsers may not guarantee proper display of results or lead to discordant displays between different versions of the same browser. Wherever possible, an attempt will always be made to ensure a consistent display of the content of the website pages, taking care to resolve any rendering discrepancies between different browsers where these might occur to guarantee the usability of the website. The following are the most commonly used browsers and operating systems:
Google Chrome
Operating Systems:
Windows XP
Windows Vista
Windows 7
Windows 8
Windows 10
Section 1 – Contents in compliance with EU Implementing Decision 2018/1523
kikoo Srl is committed to making the website of the municipality of Siena accessible, in accordance with Legislative Decree 10 August 2018, no. 106 which transposed EU Directive 2016/2102 of the European Parliament and Council. This accessibility statement applies to the website of the City of Siena.
Compliance status: Partially compliant
b) This website partially complies with the requirements of Annex A of UNI EN standard 301549:2018 (WCAG 2.1), former A MD of July 5, 2005 (WCAG 2.0).
Inaccessible content
The content listed below is not accessible for the following reason(s):
c) the content is outside the scope of the applicable legislation
References to Youtube videos present within the site, if the videos do not contain subtitles that can be read by a screen reader.
Drafting the accessibility statement
This statement was prepared on 14/09/2022.
The drafting was done by self-assessment of the provider
Feedback and contact information
The feedback mechanism to allow notification of any defects can be found on the web page regarding site accessibility statements. It consists of providing an email/pec address with which to contact the administrator regarding accessibility. The page contains all the statements inherent to the website’s accessibility.
feedback and contact information
Feedback mechanism:
Implementation procedure
Implementation procedure under Article 3-quinquies, paragraph 3, Legislation Decree 9 January 2004, no. 4 and subsequent amendments and additions.
The user may send the complaint to the Digital Ombudsman, established under Article 17 paragraph 1c CAD, solely as a result of unsatisfactory response or failure to respond to feedback notified to the provider.
A digital ombudsman has not been appointed
Section 2 – Information required by AGID
Website information
the publication date of the website of the municipality of Melpignano is 20/06/2022
Usability Tests were conducted – no
CMS used for the website: wordpress