La Galleria del Museo Civico di Siena, riaperta con un rinnovato allestimento, è oggi una meta imperdibile per chi desidera scoprire la straordinaria eredità artistica della città. Frutto di un meticoloso lavoro di studio e ricerca, la Galleria offre uno spazio ricco di storia e bellezza, in grado di trasportare i visitatori attraverso secoli di arte senese. Un percorso cronologico tra i capolavori senesi La Galleria ospita circa quaranta opere di proprietà comunale, tra cui capolavori di artisti come Ambrogio Lorenzetti, Niccolò Di Ser Sozzo, Neroccio di Bartoloneo De’Landi, Iacopo Della Quercia, Giovan Antonio Bazzi detto “Il Sodoma”, Alessandro Casolani, Ventura Salimbeni, Francesco Vanni e Bernardino Mei. Il percorso espositivo è organizzato in ordine cronologico, guidando il visitatore attraverso le grandi stagioni dell’arte senese, dalla magnificenza medievale fino all’epoca moderna. Questo itinerario, pensato per completare la visita delle sale monumentali già esistenti, si integra perfettamente con il valore universale riconosciuto al centro storico di Siena, dichiarato Patrimonio dell’Umanità dall’UNESCO. Il percorso offre un’esperienza immersiva e arricchente, ideale per chi desidera comprendere l’evoluzione artistica della città. Un allestimento moderno e rispettoso del passato Le opere sono esposte in tre delle sale prospicienti il Cortile del Podestà, recuperate dopo anni di chiusura. Gli ambienti, caratterizzati dalle originarie trifore trecentesche, sono stati restaurati con cura e riportati al loro splendore originario. L’ex Quadreria del Museo Civico è stata riorganizzata secondo i più moderni standard museografici, offrendo un’esperienza visiva e culturale di altissimo livello. Il progetto è stato promosso e finanziato dal Comune di Siena e dal Ministero della Cultura. Le opere esposte sono state sottoposte a una revisione conservativa da parte di restauratori specializzati, garantendo così la loro piena valorizzazione. Cosa aspettarsi dalla visita La Galleria è parte integrante del Museo Civico, situato nel suggestivo Palazzo Pubblico di Siena. Durante la visita, avrai la possibilità di ammirare non solo capolavori pittorici, ma anche l’architettura degli spazi, che testimoniano l’antico splendore della città. Le trifore trecentesche delle sale offrono una cornice unica alle opere, rendendo l’esperienza ancora più coinvolgente. Per chi desidera esplorare ulteriormente l’arte e la storia di Siena, il museo propone un percorso integrato con le altre sezioni espositive. La visita alla Galleria rappresenta un’opportunità per immergersi completamente nella ricca tradizione artistica e culturale della città. Pianifica la tua visita La Galleria del Museo Civico è aperta al pubblico tutti i giorni. Per informazioni sugli orari e i biglietti, è possibile consultare il sito ufficiale del Museo Civico di Siena. Non perdere l’occasione di vivere un viaggio indimenticabile nell’arte senese, in uno dei luoghi più suggestivi e iconici della città. Siena ti aspetta per un’esperienza unica, dove arte, storia e bellezza si incontrano in una cornice senza tempo.

The Civic Museum Gallery of Siena, reopened with a renewed layout, is now an unmissable destination for those who wish to discover the extraordinary artistic

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October Events in Siena

Discover everything happening in October in Siena October is the perfect month to visit Siena, thanks to the mild climate that makes exploring the city

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La Galleria del Museo Civico…

The Civic Museum Gallery of Siena, reopened with a renewed layout, is

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eventi settembre VISIT SIENA
Events in Siena

Events in Siena in September…

Discover all there is to do in September in Siena Summer is

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Calici di Stelle a Siena
Events in Siena

Goblets of Stars in Siena

An emotional journey of wine and culture on the most anticipated night

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Siena Summer festival
101 Wonders

Siena Summer Festival

The Siena Summer Festival continues in the name of fun and lightheartedness

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101 Wonders

The Palio of August 16th…

Program and Practical Advice The Palio of Siena is an integral part

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Events in Siena

Events of August 2023

Find out all there is to do in August in Siena The

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Events in Siena

The July 2 Palio in…

Program and practical advice The Palio of Siena is an integral part

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101 Wonders

The water museum

An itinerary to discover the ancient spoils of Siena The Siena Water

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Events in Siena

July Events in Siena 2023

Siena is a city that enchants visitors with its unique atmosphere, and

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101 Wonders

Extraordinary uncovering of the Floor…

A journey into art and spirituality From June 27 to July 31

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Siena summer festival 2023
101 Wonders

Siena Summer Festival 2023

An Unforgettable Summer of Music, Performances and Culture in the picturesque Medici

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Events in Siena

Hunting for panoramas in Siena

A city where one moment you are surrounded by towering medieval buildings

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La Galleria del Museo Civico…

The Civic Museum Gallery of Siena, reopened with a renewed layout, is

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14th-Century Sienese Art on Display…

The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York is set to host

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The palio

The Palio of August 16th…

Program and Practical Advice The Palio of Siena is an integral part

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101 Wonders

Art lights up Christmas in…

Art will light up the festive period in Siena. A magical atmosphere

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Things to do

Village of Murlo

The blood of the Etruscans endures to the present day. The town

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Weather forecast

A convention centre in the…

Perfect locations for meetings and conferences that will leave a lasting impression.

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Things to do

How to prepare for the…

Before starting any journey, it’s essential to prepare in the best possible

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Market in Piazza del Campo

The arts, crafts and delicacies of Siena's ‘grand market’ have enlivened Piazza

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Handicrafts in Siena

Art cities like Siena tell their story primarily through their historical and

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History of the city of Siena

Historic workshops

Witness the history of Siena Siena is one of the best-known examples

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History of the city of Siena

The head of Giomo and…

As you stroll through the streets of Siena, remember to lift your

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101 Wonders

The Masgalano

Coveted prize won by the most elegant performers in both historical parades.

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How to prepare for the…

Before starting any journey, it’s essential to prepare in the best possible

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Weather forecast

Via Francigena urban route

Historically, when we speak of Via Francigena or Vie Francigene, we mean

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Historical buildings

Inside Siena Cathedral

The Cathedral of Siena is one of the most outstanding examples of

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101 Wonders

The chapel in Piazza del…

In Piazza del Campo, which is the centre of political power in

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101 Wonders

The Sator

A mystery waiting to be solved hidden among the stones of Siena

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Historical buildings

Basilica dei Servi

A place of history and sacred art in the historic centre of

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The Basilica of San Francesco

An imposing church that has undergone many transformations over time. The Basilica

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Sanctuary – house of St…

A place to discover the life and experiences of the young Sienese

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Weather forecast

Collegiate of Provenzano

Four hundred years of faith and history in the centre of Siena.

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Historical buildings

The Cathedral floor

One of Siena's most beautiful wonders, uncovered from after the August Palio

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Historical buildings

Cathedral crypt

Discovered by chance recently, it houses splendid paintings by the greatest exponents

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Weather forecast

The relics of Constantinople

Inside Santa Maria della Scala there is a golden treasure from the

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101 Wonders

La Galleria del Museo Civico…

The Civic Museum Gallery of Siena, reopened with a renewed layout, is

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14th-Century Sienese Art on Display…

The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York is set to host

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A convention centre in the…

Perfect locations for meetings and conferences that will leave a lasting impression.

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travel information


Located in the World Map Room of Siena's Palazzo Pubblico, Guidoriccio pictorially

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The Hall of Count Chigi

The precious hall of the historic Palazzo Chigi-Saracini in Siena Palazzo Chigi

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Castellare degli Ugurgieri

Castellare degli Ugurgieri is a fortress-house located in the historic centre of

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Places to visit

Palazzo Chigi Zondadari

Palazzo Chigi Zondadari is located in the heart of Siena, in the

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Places to visit

Pilgrim’s Hall

A majestic cycle of 15th-century frescoes in the ancient hospital of Siena

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Weather forecast

State Archive

It safeguards the historical documents of Siena's public bodies. The State Archive

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Pinacoteca Nazionale in Siena

The world's most significant collection of the 14th and 15th-century Sienese masters.

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Accademia Fisiocritici

The Natural History Museum of…

One of the most influential academies in Europe The Accademia dei Fisiocritici

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Palazzo Sansedoni

With a dominant position on Piazza del Campo, Palazzo Sansedoni is one

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A convention centre in the…

Perfect locations for meetings and conferences that will leave a lasting impression.

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101 Wonders

The head of Giomo and…

As you stroll through the streets of Siena, remember to lift your

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History of the city of Siena


Located in the World Map Room of Siena's Palazzo Pubblico, Guidoriccio pictorially

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Views from Loggia dei Nove

Loggia dei Nove is one of the most amazing viewpoints in the

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Inside Siena Cathedral

The Cathedral of Siena is one of the most outstanding examples of

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101 Wonders

Allegory and Effects of Good…

The famous cycle of frescoes by Ambrogio Lorenzetti in Siena's Civic Museum.

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Historical buildings

Piazza del Campo

Symbol of the city of Siena Beautiful, stunning Piazza del Campo! It’s

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Places to visit

Steps of Via di Val…

Before arriving at Porta Romana, one of the oldest gates in the

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The Walls of Siena

Like an embrace, for centuries the walls of Siena have encircled and

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Underground Siena

The tale of the city from its origins to the Middle Ages

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Weather forecast

The Corso in the evening

Siena in the evening after sunset is imbued with a magical atmosphere!

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Historical buildings

The Hall of Count Chigi

The precious hall of the historic Palazzo Chigi-Saracini in Siena Palazzo Chigi

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Practical Advice

Park Bus Shuttle: a new…

News for Tourists Arriving in Siena by Bus Starting in August, from

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Practical Advice

Car parks in Siena

Parking in the facilities There are more than 4,000 parking spaces located

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Practical Advice

What to visit before arriving…

Art, history and nature: the treasures of the Sienese territory Welcome to

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travel information

Where to go in Siena…

The most atmospheric streets for a special evening Siena is a city

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travel information

What is Siena famous for?

Check out the top attractions and all the unmissable experiences Siena deserves

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Things to do

What to do in Siena…

Art and fun from Christmas to Epiphany Would you like to spend

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The villages of the TDS

Village of Murlo

The blood of the Etruscans endures to the present day. The town

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Historic workshops

Witness the history of Siena Siena is one of the best-known examples

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The head of Giomo and…

As you stroll through the streets of Siena, remember to lift your

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Weather forecast

The Masgalano

Coveted prize won by the most elegant performers in both historical parades.

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Places to visit

The winner’s Drappellone

The prize for the triumphant Contrada in Piazza del Campo in Siena

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Via Francigena urban route

Historically, when we speak of Via Francigena or Vie Francigene, we mean

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101 Wonders

Historic workshops

Witness the history of Siena Siena is one of the best-known examples

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Historical buildings

The head of Giomo and…

As you stroll through the streets of Siena, remember to lift your

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History of the city of Siena

The Masgalano

Coveted prize won by the most elegant performers in both historical parades.

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The winner’s Drappellone

The prize for the triumphant Contrada in Piazza del Campo in Siena

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Historical buildings


Located in the World Map Room of Siena's Palazzo Pubblico, Guidoriccio pictorially

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Weather forecast

Inside Siena Cathedral

The Cathedral of Siena is one of the most outstanding examples of

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History of the city of Siena

Allegory and Effects of Good…

The famous cycle of frescoes by Ambrogio Lorenzetti in Siena's Civic Museum.

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Things to do

Piazza del Campo

Symbol of the city of Siena Beautiful, stunning Piazza del Campo! It’s

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History of the city of Siena

The Walls of Siena

Like an embrace, for centuries the walls of Siena have encircled and

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Places to visit

Underground Siena

The tale of the city from its origins to the Middle Ages

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101 Wonders

Fontanine di Contrada

In Siena every citizen is baptized twice: in the church and then

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Streets of Siena

The Corso in the evening

Siena in the evening after sunset is imbued with a magical atmosphere!

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Events in Siena

Extraordinary unveiling of the Siena…

Explore the Hidden Masterpiece: The Floor of Siena Cathedral Extraordinary Unveiling 2024:

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Trekking Urbano
Things to do

Siena on foot: urban trekking…

Siena is a city to discover on foot. Among its ups and

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What is Siena famous for?

Check out the top attractions and all the unmissable experiences Siena deserves

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Olives in the land of…

The journey from tree to mill. A favourable climate, fertile soils and

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Siena’s oil

The green gold of the Sienese hills. Olive growing in the extra

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101 Wonders

Urban Trekking

A new tourism trend. The National Urban Trekking Day has become a

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Food and wine

Sienese Wines

The heritage of Sienese wines is known worldwide. A glass of red

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Discovering one of the oldest symbols of Tuscan hospitality. Vinsanto is a

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101 Wonders

Via Lauretana

A spiritual route that runs through Siena and has led to Loreto

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How to prepare for the…

Before starting any journey, it’s essential to prepare in the best possible

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Typical recipes

Market in Piazza del Campo

The arts, crafts and delicacies of Siena's ‘grand market’ have enlivened Piazza

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The craftsmanship

Handicrafts in Siena

Art cities like Siena tell their story primarily through their historical and

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travel information

What to visit before arriving…

Art, history and nature: the treasures of the Sienese territory Welcome to

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Things to do

What is Siena famous for?

Check out the top attractions and all the unmissable experiences Siena deserves

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Art lights up Christmas in…

Art will light up the festive period in Siena. A magical atmosphere

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Village of Murlo

The blood of the Etruscans endures to the present day. The town

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The heart of the Crete Senesi Asciano is a village nestled in

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101 Wonders

Historic workshops

Witness the history of Siena Siena is one of the best-known examples

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The head of Giomo and…

As you stroll through the streets of Siena, remember to lift your

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travel information

The Masgalano

Coveted prize won by the most elegant performers in both historical parades.

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travel information

The winner’s Drappellone

The prize for the triumphant Contrada in Piazza del Campo in Siena

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travel information

Via Francigena urban route

Historically, when we speak of Via Francigena or Vie Francigene, we mean

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Historical buildings


Located in the World Map Room of Siena's Palazzo Pubblico, Guidoriccio pictorially

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Porta Giustizia valley and Orto…

Orto de' Pecci gardens and Porta Giustizia valley are located in Siena’s

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Things to do

Visiting Siena with children: things…

Choosing to visit Siena with your children can be an amazing idea.

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Trekking Urbano

Siena on foot: urban trekking…

Siena is a city to discover on foot. Among its ups and

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101 Wonders

Why go to Siena?

6 reasons why you must visit this city. Siena is a medieval

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What is Siena famous for?

Check out the top attractions and all the unmissable experiences Siena deserves

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Things to do

What to do in Siena…

Art and fun from Christmas to Epiphany Would you like to spend

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101 Wonders

Art lights up Christmas in…

Art will light up the festive period in Siena. A magical atmosphere

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Things to do

Urban Trekking

A new tourism trend. The National Urban Trekking Day has become a

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travel information

Village of Murlo

The blood of the Etruscans endures to the present day. The town

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The Laurentian way

Via Lauretana

A spiritual route that runs through Siena and has led to Loreto

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101 Wonders


The heart of the Crete Senesi Asciano is a village nestled in

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How to prepare for the…

Before starting any journey, it’s essential to prepare in the best possible

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Typical recipes

Market in Piazza del Campo

The arts, crafts and delicacies of Siena's ‘grand market’ have enlivened Piazza

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