If you’re a student at the University of Siena (Unisi or Unistrasi) and are looking for a curricular internship, the Municipality of Siena offers several opportunities to enhance your educational journey. Thanks to an agreement between the municipality and the university, you can complete your internship in one of the municipal offices, applying the skills you’ve gained throughout your studies.
How to Start a Curricular Internship at the Municipality of Siena
A curricular internship at the Municipality of Siena involves three main parties:
- The intern (that’s you, the student)
- The host organization (the Municipality of Siena)
- The promoting institution (the University)
The university and the municipality sign a three-year agreement outlining the terms of the internships. Each intern is assigned both a university tutor and a municipal tutor, who collaborate to create a training plan. This plan includes the duration of the internship, work schedule, insurance coverage, and educational objectives. The project ensures you receive adequate support and that the internship aligns with your academic pathway.
How to Choose the Right Internship
To select the most suitable internship for you, you have several options:
- Consult with your academic advisors, who can help guide you toward the best opportunities based on your interests.
- Use the university’s online platforms, where you can create a profile, upload your CV, and apply for internship offers. For more information, you can reach out to the University Internship Office.
- Search for a company or organization on your own by contacting them directly.
Internships with the Municipality of Siena: Info and Contacts
If you want to complete your internship at the Municipality of Siena, you can request information via email at serviziogiuridicopersonale@comune.siena.it or call +39 0577 292123 / 0577 292185.
If an agreement between the university and the Municipality of Siena is already active, you can contact the municipal office where you’d like to intern directly.
You can also contact the Municipality of Siena’s main switchboard at +39 0577 292111 for more information about specific office contacts.
Internship Activation: What’s Required?
To start your curricular internship at the Municipality of Siena, you will need to:
- Verify that the agreement between the university and the municipality is active. If not, you can request its activation through the university.
- Prepare a training plan to be signed by the intern, the university tutor, and the company tutor.
What Do You Gain from a Curricular Internship?
A curricular internship allows you to earn academic credits required to complete your studies. Additionally, it provides an essential practical learning opportunity, combining academic education with hands-on experience in the workplace. This balance between theory and practice will better prepare you for your future professional career.