Spring has now blossomed in Siena, spreading the enchanting scent of flowers and the desire to spend time outdoors.
May’s events celebrate nature and its colors: every opportunity will be perfect to discover enchanting places in and around the city.
The month of May in Tuscany, especially in Siena, is synonymous with vitality and celebration, thanks to the ancient customs, recurrences and local habits that have given rise to events capable of involving the entire community, spreading the folk wisdom and tradition that make this place truly unique.
Below are all the May events in Siena!
Once again this year, the In-Box competition continues its work of promoting emerging Italian theater by hunting for “underground” quality and offering an important opportunity to emerging companies on a national scale. The finalist theater companies of In-Box dal Vivo will then perform in Siena on the stage of the Teatro dei Rinnovati from May 24 to 31 .
Click here for more information

If, on the other hand, you are in the mood for a good concert, theAccademia Musicale Chigiana events continue.
At St. Augustine’s Church on May 5 it will be possible to hear:
On May 12 on the stage of the Teatro dei Rinnovati you can listen to the music of
Click here to purchase tickets online
The music of ‘Franci On, ‘ the new season of musical concerts signed Rinaldo Franci Conservatory, will be back in the spotlight in May with as many as seven concerts. The first four are scheduled every afternoon from Monday, May 8 to Thursday, May 11, 2023, at St. Augustine Church. All concerts will kick off at 6 p.m. and will feature: Monday, May 8, on music by G. Rossini, Luca Rinaldi and Agnese Balestracci on violin, Francesco Dillon on cello and Riccardo Donati on double bass; Tuesday, May 9 it will be the turn of the trio formed by Carmelo Giallombardo on viola, Daniele Fabbrini on clarinet and Livia Zambrini on piano on the notes of L.V. Beethoven, C. Reinecke and M. Bruch; Wednesday, May 10 will stage a concert dedicated to F. Schubert with Luciano Tristaino on flute, Leonardo Ricci on violin, Margherita Di Giovanni on viola, Francesco Dillon on cello, Riccardo Donati on double bass and Matteo Fossi on piano; Thursday, May 11, on music by G. Fauré, will perform Laura Polverelli, mezzo-soprano, Emanuele De Luca on violin, Carmelo Giallombardo on viola, Rebecca Ciogli on cello and Marco Gaggini on piano.
Double dates on Thursday, May 25 and Saturday, May 27, at 6 p.m., at the Accademia dei Rozzi and the Basilica dell’Osservanza, respectively, with Alessandro Scarlatti’s oratorio “Cain, or the First Murder.” On stage, accompanied by the ‘Rinaldo Franci’ orchestra conducted by Christa Bützberger, will be the students of Professor Laura Polverelli’s voice class.
The last May event of ‘Franci On’ is scheduled for Monday, May 29, at 6 p.m. on the stage of St. Augustine’s Church. Performing will be the Sincronie Quartet and Luca Bloise on percussion. Music by L. Berio.
A benefit concert in support of prevention will be held on May 15 in the Church of the Santissima Annunziata, alongside Lilt, Lega Italiana per la Lotta contro i Tumori, Siena section.
The concert will feature Maestro Ludovico Troncanetti as the star of the evening.
All proceeds from the event will go toward the cost of purchasing new equipment for the preventive breast care service, which Lilt of Siena offers at the prevention center on Europa Avenue.
Wednesday, May 31 at St. Augustine’s Church will feature music by Federico Mompou and Alexander Scriabin with ARKADJI VOLODOS – piano “Homage to Alicia de Larrocha” (1923 – 2009).
The concert is part of a calendar of special events curated by Maestro Uto Ughi.
Throughout the month of May, until June 16, 2023, in the evocative spaces of the Magazzini del Sale, inside the Palazzo Pubblico in Piazza del Campo, you can admire the works of master Emanuele Giannelli with the exhibition VISIONARIES. Some of his impressive sculptures are also placed at the Cortile del Podestà, the Logge del Papa, the Cortile del Rettorato, the Torre dei Malavolti and the Lizza.
At the Santa Maria della Scala Museum Complex, the exhibition can still be visited. “START. An unceasing beginning.” which celebrates Aldo Mondino‘s fantastic journeys. The exhibition includes more than thirty works by one of the undisputed protagonists in the contemporary scene of national and international artistic experimentation. The exhibition will remain open until July 9.

The National Art Gallery of Siena every Wednesday morning until June 21, 2023 at 9:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. organizes free guided tours (included in the entrance fee) by the gallery’s custodial staff (reservations recommended at pin-si.comunicazione@cultura.gov.it).
Palazzo Chigi Piccolomini at Postierla until June 22, 2023 will open its doors to the public free of charge, every Thursday from 2:30 to 6:30 pm and every Saturday from 9 am to 1 pm.
Guided tours will also be organized on May 20 and June 17 at a cost of 8 euros that can be booked online.
Palazzo Chigi is a historic home built between the 16th and 17th centuries, welcoming you with fascinating paintings, frescoes, stucco and furnishings and the history of a family that linked Siena to Rome.
For information: prenotazioni.siena@coopculture.it
Finally, we would like to remind you that. Villa Brandi is open to the public by reservation at e-mail pin-si.villabrandi@cultura.gov.it.
On Sunday, May 7, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. , the first edition of the 2023 Extraordinary Market will be held on Via XXV Aprile. Near the Medici Fortress, a new appointment with the most varied types of goods to shop replicating the formula of the weekly edition.
From May 12 to 14, Siena blooms again with Siena in Fiore he annual plant and flower market exhibition held in the gardens around the San Prospero fountain.
Every third Sunday of every month, the Market Square hosts The Collector’s Corner, a marketplace of antiques, modern antiques and collectibles! So mark May 21 in your diary if you are fond of vintage items and clothes!
Conferences and meetings dedicated to one of the most important intellectuals of the Italian twentieth century will be held in Siena until May 31, 2023, Italo Calvino – The last of the classics. On the occasion of the centenary of the birth of the famous Italian writer, a series of events organized by the Department of Philology and Criticism of Ancient and Modern Literatures of the University of Siena, in collaboration with the City of Siena, has been scheduled.
On Wednesday, May 10, at 5 p.m., there will be “Calvino and Sciascia ,” edited by Raffaele Ascheri (Intronati Library): a presentation by Francesco Ricci at the Intronati Library in Siena.
Wednesday, May 16, at 4:15 p.m., is scheduled. “Calvin Makes the Shell. The construction of a writer.” edited by Domenico Scarpa (Primo Levi Studies Center, Turin), with a presentation by Niccolò Scaffai at the Department of Philology and Criticism of Ancient and Modern Literatures, Palazzo San Niccolò, Via Roma 56.
On Wednesday, May 24, at 5 p.m., there will be “Calvino and the Canon of the Twentieth Century,” edited by Massimiliano Tortora (University of Rome “La Sapienza”), with a presentation by Riccardo Castellana, at the Accademia degli Intronati, Via di Città, 75.
On Wednesday, May 31, at 5 p.m., there will be “Anthropological Aspects in the Work of Calvino,” curated by Mario Barenghi (University of Milan “Bicocca”), Riccardo Castellana’s presentation, in the Rectorate’s historic Aula Magna, at the University of Siena, Via Banchi di Sotto, 55.