Explore the Hidden Masterpiece: The Floor of Siena Cathedral
Extraordinary Unveiling 2024: June 27th – July 31st | August 18th – October 16th
A journey through time and artistic beauty awaits you at Siena Cathedral, where from June 27th to July 31st and from August 18th to October 16th, 2024, the marble inlaid floor will be revealed to the public. This extraordinary masterpiece, the result of five hundred years of artistic work, offers a unique experience of immersion into the deepest values of humanity.
Immerse yourself in a path steeped in history and meaning, where each inlay tells a story. Renowned artists such as Sassetta, Domenico di Bartolo, and Domenico Beccafumi have contributed to the creation of this “Book of Marble,” a tangible testament to Sienese artistic excellence.
Through ancient philosophers and biblical figures, the floor invites you to personal and spiritual reflection, offering a unique opportunity to explore the deepest meanings of life and faith.
To further enrich your experience, visit the Opera Museum, where you can admire other works of art and uncover the secrets of the Cathedral Floor with the expert guidance of industry professionals.
Come and experience this extraordinary artistic and spiritual adventure. Book your visit now!
For information and reservations:
Email: booking@operalaboratori.com
Phone: +39 0577 286300