Guide to recycling in Siena: everything you need to know


If you’re a student in Siena, you’ve probably noticed how committed the city is to environmental sustainability. Recycling is a key step in achieving important goals for reducing waste and protecting our ecosystem. That’s why it’s essential to recycle correctly by following a few simple tips. Learn how to properly recycle in Siena and help keep the city clean and sustainable!

Types of Recycling Services in Siena

In Siena, there are two main recycling systems:

  • Street Collection (outside the historic center): If you live outside the historic center, you will need to use street containers to dispose of your waste.
  • Door-to-Door Collection (historic center): If you live in the historic center, a door-to-door collection service is available, with waste being picked up directly from your residence.

How to Recycle Correctly

No matter which collection service you use, the recycling guidelines are the same. CLICK HERE to learn how to sort your waste properly and ensure you’re contributing to the city’s well-being.

Recycling Rules for the Historic Center

If you live in Siena’s historic center, it’s important to follow these specific guidelines:

  • Use the colored bags provided for free for different types of waste.
  • Follow the collection schedule for your area. Download the “Ricerca Via” PDF file to find your street’s collection zone.
  • Dispose of your waste on the designated days and times to avoid fines and contribute to the city’s cleanliness.

If you’re a student renting a property, you can ask your landlord to collect the bags for you, or you can obtain authorization to pick them up yourself.
For more information on how to collect bags and properly sort your waste, CLICK HERE or call the toll-free number 800 127 484.

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