Information on what to do in Siena
Siena's must-see places
Are you in Siena but don’t know where to begin to explore? Follow our suggestions to gain a deeper understanding of the area through a long series of cultural, artistic, religious and even food and wine experiences.
Discover all the places to visit in the city of Siena.
Torre Marescotti
Just like San Gimignano, tall towers once watched over Siena… Dominance, prestige, power. Towers have always been a symbol of
Fonte del Casato
The secret spring among the houses of Siena. Along via del Casato di Sotto, just a few steps from Piazza
Steps of Via di Val di Montone
Before arriving at Porta Romana, one of the oldest gates in the city walls of Siena, the steps of Via
Chiasso del Bargello
A picture perfect frame of Piazza del Campo A steep alley descends from Via di Città into Piazza del Campo
Fortezza Medicea of Siena
Built, destroyed and rebuilt, the Fortezza Medicea has lived through both military and civil events from the 16th century to
Galluzza arches
The street of the Sienese dyers Via della Galluzza is undoubtedly one of the most iconic and picturesque alleys in