June 2023 events in Siena


Summer comes and brings with ité enthusiasm and a desire to have fun.

June is a vibrant and fascinating month for the city of Siena. The excitement in the air makes this period truly special. It is, in fact, the ideal time to explore the historic center of the medieval city, with its picturesque narrow streets and fascinating monuments. Visitors will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the vibrant cultural scene of the historic center and enjoy high-quality entertainment moments.

Here are the events for June!



It’s official! Starting June 3 in the Medici Fortress kicks off a hot summer, full of events for all tastes!

Live music, literary reviews with prominent names from the local and national scene, DJ sets at sunset and much more…A summer to dance and celebrate, sipping a cocktail, immersed in a magical atmosphere.

Check out the calendar of events at: www.sienasummerfestival.com



Continuing through June 24 is the Chamber Music Festival “Primavera Chigiana,” the Chigiana Academy’s new event dedicated to the great stars of international chamber music and emerging young performers.

Concert tickets are available for purchase at the Palazzo Chigi Saracini box office Monday through Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. (from June 1 during 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 2 to 6 p.m.).

On the day of the concert, tickets will be available for purchase at the performance venue starting at 4 p.m. (or from two hours before the start for concerts to be held at St. Augustine Church).

Learn about the program:





At Palazzo Chigi Zondadari on display from June 6 to Nov. 9 “Àitason” by Paolo William Tamburella, a project that transforms the courtyard and halls of Palazzo Chigi Zondadari, in Siena’s Piazza del Campo, into an exhibition space dedicated to site-specific works by Italian and international artists invited by Flavio Misciattelli, president of the Palazzo Chigi Zondadari Foundation, to freely interpret the space.

On June 10, from 2:30 p.m. to 11 p.m., the SienaBotanical Garden will host the Museums for Sustainability 2023 Festival with a day dedicated to meeting local museums. A day aimed especially at environmental sustainability issues from the perspective of active citizenship and in line with the goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Learn about the program: https://www.museisenesi.org/festadeimusei2023/

Until June 16, 2023, the evocative spaces of the Magazzini del Sale, inside the Palazzo Pubblico in Piazza del Campo, will host the works of master Emanuele Giannelli with the exhibition VISIONARIES. Some of his impressive sculptures are also placed at the Cortile del Podestà, the Logge del Papa, the Cortile del Rettorato, the Torre dei Malavolti and the Lizza.

At Santa Maria della Scala, the exhibition continues ‘START. A relentless beginning’
celebrating the fantastic travels of Aldo Mondino. The exhibition includes over thirty works by one of the undisputed protagonists of the contemporary scene of national and international artistic experimentation. The exhibition will be open until July 9, 2023.

Through June 21, 2023, the Siena National Picture Gallery is holding free guided tours (included in the entrance fee) every Wednesday morning at 9:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. by the gallery’s custodial staff (reservations recommended at pin-si.comunicazione@cultura.gov.it).

Also through June 24, it is possible to participate in a series of thematic tours to explore the masterpieces and protagonists of Sienese painting between the Quattrocento and the sixteenth century.

Palazzo Chigi Piccolomini alla Postierla fino al 22 giugno 2023 aprirà gratuitamente le sue porte al pubblico, ogni giovedì dalle ore 14.30 alle ore 18.30 e ogni sabato dalle 9.00 alle 13.00.

Until June 17, 2023, guided tours will also be organized at a cost of 8 euros that can be booked online.

Palazzo Chigi is a historic mansion built between the 16th and 17th centuries: welcoming you will be fascinating paintings, frescoes, stucco and furnishings and the history of a family that linked Siena to Rome.

For information: prenotazioni.siena@coopculture.it

Finally, we would like to remind you that Villa Brandi is open to the public by reservation at e-mail pin-si.villabrandi@cultura.gov.it.

From June 27 to July 31 and from Aug. 18 to Oct. 18, 2023, Siena Cathedral will offer a breathtaking sight: the magnificent marble commesso floor.

This precious treasure is normally hidden from the public and is only displayed during these time windows per year, allowing everyone to admire its grandeur.

During the rest of the year, the floor remains protected and covered to preserve it from the passage of visitors. However, during these special times, it is revealed in its extraordinary beauty, giving a unique experience to anyone who observes it.

Plan your visit, contact +39 0577 286300 or visit www.operalaboratori.it for more information and reservations.

Through Aug. 31, the Accademia Musicale Chigiana Foundation, in collaboration with Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena, is offering visitors guided tours, available in Italian or English, to explore Palazzo Chigi Saracini and its artistic and cultural treasures.

For info and reservations: https://www.chigiana.org/visite-guidate/


In Fortezza Medicea until June 4, 2023, a Luna Park will be set up in a lively and joyful atmosphere, with lots of attractions and numerous games to regale excitement and fun for all ages.



For lovers of vintage motoring, the 1000 Miglia is coming to town : “the regularity racefor historic cars through the unique scenery of the most beautiful Italy.”

From June 13 to 17, 2023 , a long journey of discovery of the belpaese with Siena taking center stage on June 15.

Here are all the must-sees: https://1000miglia.it/eventi/1000-miglia/1000-miglia-2023-13-17-giugno/

For cycling enthusiasts, the all road event in pure Eroica style is back: the Nova Eroica! An epic experience riding modern road and gravel bikes through the beautiful Crete Senesi, at this time tinged with a golden hue typical of the summer season.

For more information: https://eroica.cc/it/nova-eroica


Every third Sunday of the month, Market Square hosts The Collector’s Corner, an antiques, modern and collectibles market. So an ideal date for fans of vintage items and clothes to mark your calendar on Sunday, June 18.


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La Galleria del Museo Civico di Siena, riaperta con un rinnovato allestimento, è oggi una meta imperdibile per chi desidera scoprire la straordinaria eredità artistica della città. Frutto di un meticoloso lavoro di studio e ricerca, la Galleria offre uno spazio ricco di storia e bellezza, in grado di trasportare i visitatori attraverso secoli di arte senese. Un percorso cronologico tra i capolavori senesi La Galleria ospita circa quaranta opere di proprietà comunale, tra cui capolavori di artisti come Ambrogio Lorenzetti, Niccolò Di Ser Sozzo, Neroccio di Bartoloneo De’Landi, Iacopo Della Quercia, Giovan Antonio Bazzi detto “Il Sodoma”, Alessandro Casolani, Ventura Salimbeni, Francesco Vanni e Bernardino Mei. Il percorso espositivo è organizzato in ordine cronologico, guidando il visitatore attraverso le grandi stagioni dell’arte senese, dalla magnificenza medievale fino all’epoca moderna. Questo itinerario, pensato per completare la visita delle sale monumentali già esistenti, si integra perfettamente con il valore universale riconosciuto al centro storico di Siena, dichiarato Patrimonio dell’Umanità dall’UNESCO. Il percorso offre un’esperienza immersiva e arricchente, ideale per chi desidera comprendere l’evoluzione artistica della città. Un allestimento moderno e rispettoso del passato Le opere sono esposte in tre delle sale prospicienti il Cortile del Podestà, recuperate dopo anni di chiusura. Gli ambienti, caratterizzati dalle originarie trifore trecentesche, sono stati restaurati con cura e riportati al loro splendore originario. L’ex Quadreria del Museo Civico è stata riorganizzata secondo i più moderni standard museografici, offrendo un’esperienza visiva e culturale di altissimo livello. Il progetto è stato promosso e finanziato dal Comune di Siena e dal Ministero della Cultura. Le opere esposte sono state sottoposte a una revisione conservativa da parte di restauratori specializzati, garantendo così la loro piena valorizzazione. Cosa aspettarsi dalla visita La Galleria è parte integrante del Museo Civico, situato nel suggestivo Palazzo Pubblico di Siena. Durante la visita, avrai la possibilità di ammirare non solo capolavori pittorici, ma anche l’architettura degli spazi, che testimoniano l’antico splendore della città. Le trifore trecentesche delle sale offrono una cornice unica alle opere, rendendo l’esperienza ancora più coinvolgente. Per chi desidera esplorare ulteriormente l’arte e la storia di Siena, il museo propone un percorso integrato con le altre sezioni espositive. La visita alla Galleria rappresenta un’opportunità per immergersi completamente nella ricca tradizione artistica e culturale della città. Pianifica la tua visita La Galleria del Museo Civico è aperta al pubblico tutti i giorni. Per informazioni sugli orari e i biglietti, è possibile consultare il sito ufficiale del Museo Civico di Siena. Non perdere l’occasione di vivere un viaggio indimenticabile nell’arte senese, in uno dei luoghi più suggestivi e iconici della città. Siena ti aspetta per un’esperienza unica, dove arte, storia e bellezza si incontrano in una cornice senza tempo.

The Civic Museum Gallery of Siena, reopened with a renewed layout, is now an unmissable destination for those who wish to discover the extraordinary artistic

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