Siena joins the new Patto dei Sindaci (Mayors Agreement on Climate and Energy), pledging to reduce emissions and implement climate change mitigation actions.
The decision was made during the last City Council meeting, which voted in favour of the proposal. The current administration at the helm of the City of Siena has deemed it strategic important to adhere to the Mayors Agreement, which has been working towards the reduction of emissions since 2015. In addition, it has introduced a climate change assessment and mitigation, as it believes the municipality can play a leading role with these issues.
The Administration’s commitments include reducing emissions by at least 40% by 2030, achieving climate neutrality by 2050, developing and implementing an action plan to achieve these goals and reporting on it every two years. The initiative will involve the entire City, including the administration, citizens, universities and businesses from all sectors who will work towards implementing this vision.
The Action Plan for Sustainable Energy (PAESC)is to be fine-tuned in the coming months following the JRC guidelines dictated by the EU. It will consist of a baseline emissions inventory, an assessment of climate vulnerabilities and risks, and the planning and programming of a set of actions needed to achieve the goals the commitment requires. The plan will be a planning, programming and implementation tool provided by the City of Siena and to be approved by the City Council.
The work group that will be set up for the PAESC will act as a subject to also interact with the realities of the area that have already been working for some time on the issues of emissions in the territory of the province of Siena, hoping that with this initiative we can also give a new and positive impulse toAlleanza Carbon Neutrality (Carbon Neutrality Alliance) of which the City of Siena is a founding member.
Emissions data from the City of Siena will be used to understand the condition of the City and to analyse time series to understand the evolution of environmental policies over the years. The work that lies ahead in the coming months will see the municipal administration engaged in collaboration, consultation and sharing activities, both internally and externally to the institution. Among the benefits of adhering to the Mayors Agreement on Climate and Energy is the opportunity for companies and individuals to receive funding.
City of Siena – Minutes of deliberation of the City Council