Siena Sustainability Capital


Siena becomes Italy’s Sustainability Capital by hosting the first leg of #InsiemepergliSDG2022, a campaign to raise awareness of sustainability issues that took place 15-18 June 2022.

The campaign was sponsored by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and partners FAO, UN SDG Action Campaign, Save The Children, CIHEAM Bari and the European Commission on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), dedicated to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the United Nations in 2015 as part of the 2030 Agenda.

In the four-day #InsiemepergliSDG event, the municipality, university and Mps Foundation presented innovative projects in food, agribusiness, bioeconomy, wellness, decarbonization, culture, tourism and waste. The city welcomed the campaign’s travelling installations in Piazza San Francesco square, and many activities were held to promote a greener, more peaceful and inclusive world.

The event was also attended by prominent international figures from FAO’s Director General Qu Dongyu to the Pontiff’s Advisor Jeffrey Sachs.

To open the 15 June proceedings, the City Council convened in the Calvino Hall of Santa Maria della Scala for a special single-topic session, which was open to the public.

On the occasion of Siena’s #InsiemepergliSDG2022 event, the exhibition ‘Europa. L’illustrazione italiana racconta l’Europa dei popoli’ (Europe. Italian illustration tells the story of the Europe of the people)’ was also inaugurated in the Courtyard of the Podestà of the Palazzo Pubblico with Siena’s City Councillor for Culture Pasquale Colella and under the patronage of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and the Ministry of Culture. Thirteen major Italian illustrators, already widely established internationally, have created thirteen original illustrations dedicated to the values promoted by the Council of Europe.

The illustrations tell the story of the founding values of the European Union and the peoples of Europe, starting with Palazzo Madama, a building with 2,000 years of history that embodies European identity like few others. In 1861, it was the seat of the first Senate of the Kingdom of Italy and a hundred years later it hosted the signing of the European Social Charter.


We talked about it in:

De Mossi: ‘Siena embraces the challenge of sustainability’.

Inauguration of the #InsiemepergliSDG exhibition in the Courtyard of the Podestà


De Mossi: ‘Siena embraces the challenge of sustainability’.

A special city council meeting for Siena’s part of the sustainable development campaign

#InsiemepergliSDG Events at Palazzo Patrizi about the sustainable projects of the Municipality of Siena

Siena: star of the #InsiemepergliSDG campaign

The interactive installation of #InsiemepergliSDG in Piazza San Francesco square


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