Over seven centuries of history linked to Siena and the Sienese
Built in 1343, today’s Teatro dei Rinnovati theatre was originally the hall of the Major Council of the Republic of Siena. During the visit of Grand Duke Cosimo I de Medici, in 1560, it was decided to transform it into a place of entertainment to stage great events or small local festivities. The Teatro dei Rinnovati theatre is based on a creative project that exalts harmony and beauty by Antonio Galli known as il Bibbiena, which was later revised by Agostino Fantastici, a well-known exponent of Sienese romanticism in 1832. It was recently restored between 2004 and 2009 by the Venetian architect Ettore Vio.
The theatre has a capacity of 600 seats distributed between stalls and 88 boxes.
Why was it called ‘Teatro dei Rinnovati’?
The name comes from the Academy of the same name that was established in 1802, taking over from the other academy (Accademia degli Intronati), while it was being restored following the 1798 earthquake. As is customary, the Academy adopted a motto that read ‘I cangio la vecchia e nuova spoglia prendo’ (‘I change the old and take the new skin’) with a coat of arms depicting a snake intent on changing its skin.
The original colour choice of Fantastici, a mountain green for the interior of the boxes, was later replaced by a burgundy red after the 1950s restoration. To echo the artists’ original choice, a fabric with alternating shiny and matt stripes was selected, recalling the green of the grotesque-style ceilings. The rust colour of the velvet of the seats and the curtains of the boxes harmoniously complements the decorations of the 19th-century design.
Each theatre brings its own magic, but walking between the boxes and along the long corridor leading to the stage, you understand to what extent this place with over seven centuries of history is inevitably linked to the roots of Siena and its citizens.
It’s not only a theatre either, as couples can choose this prestigious location as the place to celebrate the most important day in their lives. In the Foyer the most beautiful day will play out, framed by that special allure that only the theatre can offer.
Contact details:
Piazza Il Campo, 1 – 53100 Siena (SI)
Tel.: 0577 292265
Mobile: 331 2358945
E-mail: teatrisiena@comune.siena.it
Social media: Facebook / Instagram / YouTube