The precious hall of the historic Palazzo Chigi-Saracini in Siena
Palazzo Chigi Saracini is a place that embodies music, art and beauty.
The architecture, frescoes and rich collection of works of art and musical instruments immerse visitors in the arts and an authentic Sienese wonder.
In 1770, the palace that today houses the Accademia Chigiana was purchased by the Saracini family, who enlarged it to its present form. Galgano Saracini made it his home, collecting great artistic masterpieces.
In 1806 it was opened to the public and quickly became a private museum. An ancient well was placed in the centre of the courtyard, overlooked by the Chapel dedicated to San Galgano.
At the end of the 19th century, the palace was inherited by Fabio Chigi, who added his name to the Saracini.
In 1923, the restoration of the palace was completed and a concert association was established, which in 1932 became the Fondazione Accademia Chigiana, still today an important musical school.
When his uncle died, Count Guido Chigi Saracini, a tireless patron of the arts, inherited the palace.
His musical works are innumerable: the Quintetto Senese, the Settimane Musicali, the Micat in Vertice, which gave its name to the concert season held in a Hall of Palazzo dell’Accademia.
Jump back in time back to the years when the Sienese count was world-famous in this room dedicated to him.
The most illustrious personalities of the 20th century passed through this hall, making it the cultural epicentre of that era.
Today, part of that magical atmosphere of music and intellectual vitality can be experienced by standing in the courtyard of Palazzo dell’Accademia. Here, amidst ancient loggias and seated at small tables, you can enjoy the ChigianArtCafé that hosts LIVE musical aperitifs and temporary exhibitions.