Tips for responsible travel


Do you want to take a break from your busy everyday life?

A few days in Siena, the medieval city of the Palio and many other fantastic experiences is a great way to charge your batteries. Siena and its surroundings will surprise you with many activities to enjoy outdoors while respecting the environment.

We would like to give you some tips for getting around and visiting the city in a sustainable way. It just takes a few small details to be a responsible tourist committed to the environment throughout your stay. Ready? Here we go!

  • If you want to minimise the footprint of your vacation, you can do so by choosing an environmentally friendly accommodation. This is the first step you should take to organise a weekend getaway with sustainability in mind.

Siena offers several B&Bs located in the heart of the old town, which is entirely pedestrianised. It’s perfect for getting around on foot and forgetting about vehicles during your stay. You can walk to all attractions, palaces and churches in the city: Piazza del Campo, the Cathedral, the Baptistery, the Santa Maria della Scala Museum, the Chigiana Music School, the Palazzo delle Papesse and many other places to visit are only a few hundred metres apart. And along the way, you can admire unique views, alleys and details that history has left imprinted in the city’s architecture.

  • Use water and energy responsibly.

At your accommodation, don’t waste water and utilities, and change towels only when necessary. Also, try to minimise waste and strictly adhere to the City’s regulations by following the recycling collection schedule that you can find here:

  • Enjoy fresh, zero-kilometre food!

A city isn’t only discovered through its art and history. One of the most important aspects of a city is its culinary tradition. Indeed, the food and flavours of a land can leave an indelible mark on the traveller’s mind by which to remember the city. In this sense, Siena has much to tell.
To seek out the unique flavours of this part of Italy, we recommend eating at one of the many osterias and trattorias scattered throughout the streets and alleys of the city. Some typical delicacies are local cured meats and sausages, especially Cinta Senese cured meats, Finocchiona (cinta senese salami with fennel), and salami, accompanied by ‘sciocco’ bread (traditional plain bread) or salt-free bread, which is never lacking in Sienese cuisine and enhances the flavour of food. There are also very typical black crostini with spleen or livers, while for those who prefer vegetables, there are many local soups such as Acquacotta, ribollita or pappa al pomodoro, especially popular in the summer months. And then for the sweets we have Panforte, Panpepato, Cavallucci and Ricciarelli that come directly from ancient medieval recipes.

  • Shop from small traders and buy local handicrafts and gourmet products from the many workshops in the old town.

Strolling through the streets of Siena, you will lay your eyes on the wonderful works and objects displayed in the windows of the city’s craft stores, which are not only part of Siena’s history and traditions, but jealously guard an art made of techniques and workmanship passed down with passion and dedication. There is nothing more beautiful than remembering a journey through a small artefact, such as a ceramic or yellow marble object made according to dictates and techniques handed down since the Middle Ages.

The Terre di Siena website has reserved a section devoted entirely to discovering Sienese artisans and their workshops. Find out now!

  • Get in the saddle and pedal!

Siena, and especially its surroundings, are a true paradise for cycling enthusiasts. SiPedala is the first project created to promote urban cycling. It’s a concrete example of electric bike sharing: easy to use, available 24/7 and with 0 environmental impact. In short, the perfect alternative to other means of transportation. Not only can you get around the city by bike, but also outside on more secluded routes surrounded by the rolling Tuscan hills coated in the colours of the vineyards, olive groves and cypress trees.

The City of Siena has also developed its own website,, which gathers routes, bike-friendly accommodation facilities, professional services and train connections to discover the landscapes and countryside of Siena on an active holiday, which can be explored not only by bike but also on foot and horseback.
Chianti, Valdichiana, Amiata, Crete Senesi, Val di Merse, Val d’Orcia and Valdelsa.

Lands rich in history, flavours and beauty waiting to be discovered, riding along roads suitable for all types of bikes.

Now, all you have to do is pack your bag… What are you waiting for?


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Explore the other wonders

La Galleria del Museo Civico di Siena, riaperta con un rinnovato allestimento, è oggi una meta imperdibile per chi desidera scoprire la straordinaria eredità artistica della città. Frutto di un meticoloso lavoro di studio e ricerca, la Galleria offre uno spazio ricco di storia e bellezza, in grado di trasportare i visitatori attraverso secoli di arte senese. Un percorso cronologico tra i capolavori senesi La Galleria ospita circa quaranta opere di proprietà comunale, tra cui capolavori di artisti come Ambrogio Lorenzetti, Niccolò Di Ser Sozzo, Neroccio di Bartoloneo De’Landi, Iacopo Della Quercia, Giovan Antonio Bazzi detto “Il Sodoma”, Alessandro Casolani, Ventura Salimbeni, Francesco Vanni e Bernardino Mei. Il percorso espositivo è organizzato in ordine cronologico, guidando il visitatore attraverso le grandi stagioni dell’arte senese, dalla magnificenza medievale fino all’epoca moderna. Questo itinerario, pensato per completare la visita delle sale monumentali già esistenti, si integra perfettamente con il valore universale riconosciuto al centro storico di Siena, dichiarato Patrimonio dell’Umanità dall’UNESCO. Il percorso offre un’esperienza immersiva e arricchente, ideale per chi desidera comprendere l’evoluzione artistica della città. Un allestimento moderno e rispettoso del passato Le opere sono esposte in tre delle sale prospicienti il Cortile del Podestà, recuperate dopo anni di chiusura. Gli ambienti, caratterizzati dalle originarie trifore trecentesche, sono stati restaurati con cura e riportati al loro splendore originario. L’ex Quadreria del Museo Civico è stata riorganizzata secondo i più moderni standard museografici, offrendo un’esperienza visiva e culturale di altissimo livello. Il progetto è stato promosso e finanziato dal Comune di Siena e dal Ministero della Cultura. Le opere esposte sono state sottoposte a una revisione conservativa da parte di restauratori specializzati, garantendo così la loro piena valorizzazione. Cosa aspettarsi dalla visita La Galleria è parte integrante del Museo Civico, situato nel suggestivo Palazzo Pubblico di Siena. Durante la visita, avrai la possibilità di ammirare non solo capolavori pittorici, ma anche l’architettura degli spazi, che testimoniano l’antico splendore della città. Le trifore trecentesche delle sale offrono una cornice unica alle opere, rendendo l’esperienza ancora più coinvolgente. Per chi desidera esplorare ulteriormente l’arte e la storia di Siena, il museo propone un percorso integrato con le altre sezioni espositive. La visita alla Galleria rappresenta un’opportunità per immergersi completamente nella ricca tradizione artistica e culturale della città. Pianifica la tua visita La Galleria del Museo Civico è aperta al pubblico tutti i giorni. Per informazioni sugli orari e i biglietti, è possibile consultare il sito ufficiale del Museo Civico di Siena. Non perdere l’occasione di vivere un viaggio indimenticabile nell’arte senese, in uno dei luoghi più suggestivi e iconici della città. Siena ti aspetta per un’esperienza unica, dove arte, storia e bellezza si incontrano in una cornice senza tempo.

The Civic Museum Gallery of Siena, reopened with a renewed layout, is now an unmissable destination for those who wish to discover the extraordinary artistic

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