Torre del Mangia

22 luglio - torre del mangia

Symbol of Siena

The Torre del Mangia is one of the most famous towers in Tuscany, symbol and pride of the city of Siena. It’s 87 metres high (102 metres counting the lightning rod), making it the third tallest ancient tower in Italy.

It was built between 1325 and 1348, but the first payments weren’t documented until 1338 onwards.

Made of brick with a stone crowning and a bell, the top part consists of a double crenellated crown, called rocca, made of travertine and dark stone to recall the black and white of the Municipality of Siena.

Numerous architects and sculptors participated in the construction of the Tower. In particular, the Sienese sculptor and architect Agostino di Giovanni and the Perugian brothers Minuccio and Francesco di Rinaldo received regular payments from the Municipality of Siena to complete the work from 1341 to 1345. The tower was probably completed on 18 December 1344, although works are documented as late as 1349, the year in which a large bell was installed, which would be heard throughout the city.

The name Mangia comes from the first bell ringer: Giovanni di Balduccio.

Giovanni was known in the city for being a great squanderer of money, which is why he was nicknamed Mangiaguadagni (‘profit eater’), abbreviated to Mangia. However, this role was short-lived because in 1360 the Municipality of Siena decided to put a clock in place, replacing manual typing with mechanical typing.

In 1666, the great bell weighing 6,764 kg and known to the Sienese as the Campanone was installed. It was also called Sunto because it was dedicated to Our Lady of the Assumption. Its chimes still accompany all the most important moments of city life, especially those related to the Palio.

Climbing the 400 steps of the Torre del Mangia tower, you can enjoy extraordinary views of the whole of Siena.

Opening times and Tickets

Opening hours:

From 1 November to 28 February

10:00 am – 1:00 pm / 1:45 pm – 4:00 pm (ticket office closes and last admission 3:15 pm)

Christmas – closed

New Years Eve 12:00 am – 4:00 pm (ticket office closes and last admission 3:15 pm)

From 1 March to 31 October*

10:00 am – 1:45 pm / 2:30 pm – 7:00 pm (ticket office closes and last admission 6:15 pm)


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