If you ever decided to visit Siena with your camper, here you find all the useful materials that you’re looking for.
Not far away from the city centre, there’s a parking area for campers. It’s called Il Fagiolone and is located along the road Strada di Pescaia.
It can be reached from the Siena Ovest exit of the ring road, the area is also avaliable for touristic buses, it’s comfortable for its proximity to the city centre. It is, in fact, located close to the traffic-restricted zone in the western part of the city, facing Via Esterna di Fontebranda that leads to the Costone escalator and the nearby Santa Caterina multi-storey parking facility.
What services does it offer?
It is fully illuminated and paved with self-locking paving stones. It is equipped with potable water and sump to dispose of wastewater and chemical toilets as well as a video surveillance service.
The daily rate (24 hrs) for camper vans is € 20,00. Hourly rates are not available.
Payment can be made at the parking meter located in front of the Check Point office, with credit cards, debit cards and cash.
It is not possible to reserve camper van parking in advance.
For Information:
Tel.: +39-0577228711
E-mail: si.park@sienaparcheggi.com